Defines text comments. Optional.
Specifies whether the element can be null. Default: true.
Specifies the name. Required.
Specifies the property use <required|optional>. Default: required.
Specifies the name. Required.
Specifies the name of the referenced type. Required.
Specifies a list of type names. Optional.
Specifies the regex pattern of property names. Required.
Specifies the value range in interval notation:
Open (exclusive) interval: (min,max)
Closed (inclusive) interval: [min,max]
Half-open or half-closed interval: [min,max)
The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If a value is not specified, the scale is unbounded.
Specifies the regex pattern.
Specifies the minimum inclusive number of occurrence of this element. Default: 1.
Specifies the maximum inclusive number of occurrence of this element. Default: unbounded.
Specifies the minimum inclusive number of iterations of child elements. Default: 1.
Specifies the maximum inclusive number of iterations of child elements. Default: 1.
Specifies the name of the type to extend. Optional.
Specifies whether the object is abstract. Default: false.
Object cannot extend itself.